Top Tips To Keeping Your Loved One Warm This Winter

Make Sure They Have Their Annual Flu Jab Booked In
Flu can present a major risk for people who are over-65 in the winter. Therefore, it's not too late to get your loved one booked in for their annual flu jab. Having the flu jab every year reduces the chances of them getting seriously ill.

If your loved one is over 65 years old, then they automatically qualify for their free flu jab. When it comes to getting their flu jab appointment booked in, you can do so by booking it at a GP surgery or pharmacy that offers it through the NHS.

Wear Plenty Of Warm Clothing
As heating bills continue to rise, it's more important than ever that your loved one wears plenty of warm clothing, whether that's at home or outside. Rather than wear one thick layer, it's better to wear several thinner layers of clothing that are made from cotton or wool.

As the weather gets colder, we recommend your elderly family member wears plenty of thermal clothing to help keep them warm. However, if your loved one is going outside for a walk, having a waterproof coat can be very useful as it'll keep them warm and dry.

Alongside wearing a waterproof coat, having a hat, scarf and gloves can help prevent heat loss while making them feel warmer while your loved one is going for a walk. By having plenty of warm clothing to wear, it'll ensure that they stay warm during the winter months.

Get Moving Indoors And Outdoors
Staying active is a great way of ensuring that your loved one stays warm during the winter months. There are plenty of options available when it comes to getting some exercise in, whether that's at home or in the great outdoors.

This can include something as simple as getting out of their chair and walking around the house to an online yoga or exercise session. By staying active throughout the winter, it'll help ensure that your loved one stays healthy and warm.

Have Hot, Healthy Meals
It's essential that your loved one has plenty of hot, healthy meals to keep them warm during the winter. If they enjoy a cup of tea, coffee or a hot chocolate, then having plenty of hot drinks can ensure that they stay warm and cosy at home.

To make things easier for your elderly family member, you can cook meals in bulk and freeze them. This is particularly handy if they have a long-term health condition, which can make it difficult for them to cook. By providing plenty of freezable meals that can be warmed up, they'll be able to stay warm throughout the day.

Three Things To Reduce Heat Loss In Your Home
Keeping your loved one's home warm during the winter months can be expensive. If their home is not energy efficient, then there are some simple and easy things that you can do to ensure that the heat does not escape their home.

Identify the warmest room that your loved one can keep warm in
If you cannot afford to heat all the rooms in your home, then you should make sure that you identify one room where it's warm to sit in. Whether that's the living room or sitting room, by identifying a warm area in their home, it gives your loved one reassurance that they won't be cold throughout the day.

Keep windows and doors shut
One simple, but effective way of reducing the amount of heat lost in your loved one's home is to make sure all the windows and doors in your rooms are shut. Draught-proofing your home with draught excluders can help avoid any cold air from flowing into their home, thus keeping the warm air in.

Make sure your loved one's bedroom window is closed overnight
When your loved one goes to sleep, make sure that their bedroom windows are shut overnight as the weather temperatures fall into single digits. By leaving the window open, it increases the risk of them getting chest infections and flu, which can be hazardous for their health.