posted 4th May 2023
Physical Activities
Participating in physical activities can help not only boost their energy levels but also provide plenty of health benefits for elderly people. The NHS recommends that adults over 65 should aim to be physically active every day and do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week.
Everyday physical activities can be factored into day-to-day life and do not require a gym membership. Whether it's riding a bike, playing tennis, making the bed or vacuuming the house, it's important to maintain a healthy amount of physical activity as you get older. Getting plenty of exercise, will reduce the risk of serious health conditions later on in life.
Fuelling on the right food and drink
For elderly people, having a healthy diet that has little-to-no processed food and drink can make them feel more energised and reduce fatigue. As a person grows older, it's essential that they fuel themselves with the right food and drink to ensure that they have plenty of energy to get through the day.
If you don't give the body the right meals, hydration and snacks it needs to function properly, it'll affect the elderly person's health and quality of life. Providing the body with good sources of energy, which includes fruit and vegetables, dairy, meat, legumes, as well as drinking plenty of water can help fight fatigue for elderly people. Our Domiciliary Care can support your loved one with daily tasks, including eating and drinking to make sure they get a healthy well-balanced diet.
Getting plenty of sleep
One of the easiest ways for elderly people to feel more energised is to have a good night's sleep. Some elderly people struggle with sleep problems, which can prevent them from feeling refreshed the following day.
It's important to practice healthy sleep habits so that they can start a new day feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever tasks are thrown at them. Having a consistent bedtime routine, as well as removing gadgets and making the bedroom cool are just a few things that can help aid a better night's sleep.
Prioritising mental health is just as important as physical health for elderly people. Exercising the mind, can not only boost energy but also keep the brain sharp and healthy. There are many activities that can help maintain healthy blood pressure, as well as reduce stress.
Hobbies and activities such as walking and breathing exercises, puzzles and playing games, can help prevent fatigue while helping keep energy levels up.
Engage in new hobbies
After retirement, people often have a lot of time on their hands, which can leave them bored and fatigued. One way of overcoming this is to encourage them to engage in hobbies they may never consider doing while they were working.
Whether they take up a sport, volunteer for a charity or do something for the local community, it can help boost energy levels, as well as reduce fatigue. Getting out of the house and doing hobbies that take them outside their comfort zone, will help them feel energised and ready to tackle whatever life throws at them.
Our home care services can help ensure that elderly patients restore and maintain their energy levels. A team of specialist carers can provide support and advice to ensure their healthy lifestyle needs are being met.
Speak to our team of advisors, who will be happy to help with any questions you may have about how we can help with providing healthy lifestyles for elderly people.