posted 17th July 2023
Looking after our mental health is a really important part of our life. Mental health is not something we should just think about when we are struggling, feeling anxious and confused or when we are feel stressed and overwhelmed we should be thinking about it all the time. We should all be investing more time into our mental health as well as our physical health. Overtime this will help reduce our risk of physical problems that people may suffer from in the future.
Here are some useful top tips that could help us look after our mental wellbeing a lot more.
Relax and Reduce Stress
There's many things that could help us relax such as this could be something as simple as going for a walk, having a relaxing bath. there are many things that could help reduce and manage stress such as;
Taking a break
If you're feeling overwhelmed by a stressful situation, try to take a break. A change of scene can help you to relax and relieve feelings of anxiety, even just for a few minutes.
Do something you enjoy
Try and spend time doing something you enjoy, this could simply be a hobby or a sport or even something as simple as cooking your favourite food, ringing a friend or even taking some time listening to music.
Managing stress
when you feel under pressure sometimes you may feel like everything is out of control which can also affect our physical wellbeing.
Using techniques like meditation, breathing exercises and yoga has been shown to help people become more aware of their thoughts and feelings. This means that instead of being overwhelmed by your feelings, it becomes easier to manage them.
Spending time with nature
Spending time in nature and being outdoors can help improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anger.
Bring nature indoors
This can give you the benefits of nature without having to go to a park or public garden. You could buy flowers, potted plants or seeds for growing on your window sill. Or you could collect natural materials from outdoors, such as leaves, flowers, feathers, and use them to decorate your living space.
Spend time with animals
Lots of people find that being with animals is calming and enjoyable. You could try pet-sitting or dog walking, feed birds from your window, or visit a local community farm.
Connect with others
Connecting with our loved one including friends and family can be useful in times of need.
Talking to someone you trust
Opening up to a family member or friend can be useful as it makes you feel listened to and supported. Saying our thoughts and feelings out loud and acknowledging how we feel can help.
Looking after our physical health
Drink water regularly
Drinking plenty of water helps us both physically and mentally
There is lots of advice out there about how eating or avoiding certain foods can affect your mental health. Not all of this is supported by strong evidence. But we do know that eating regular meals and a healthy, balanced diet can help your mood and energy levels.
Try to avoid drugs and alcohol
You might feel like using drugs or alcohol to cope with any difficult feelings. But in the long run they can make you feel worse.
Try to keep active
Try building physical activity into your daily routine, if possible. It doesn't have to be anything big, like running a marathon. If you aren't used to being active, start off small and try to find something you enjoy.
Avoid screens
Give yourself some tech-free time before sleep, and avoid bright screens that can affect your sleep.
Winding down before bed
Before bed try doing a relaxing activity such as having a bath, having a relaxing bath and avoid caffeine or sugary products that may keep you awake at night.
Make your sleep environment comfortable
A comfortable sleeping environment can help improve your sleep. Small changes can help. For example, you might sleep better with a low light on, or certain bedding that makes you feel more comfortable.